

澳博app证书课程包括我们的索尔兹伯里艺术证书, STEM卓越证书, 以及我们的全球视野研究证书.  

Our certificate programs are a commitment by our students to take a “deeper dive” into a chosen discipline during their junior and senior year, 最终在一个顶点的演讲和投资组合.  完成课程的学生将在毕业日获得证书和证书, 成绩记录在他们的成绩单上, 并在毕业典礼上致谢.   While it is important that students and parents of all grades review this information as they look forward to upcoming years at NDA, 我们的二年级学生需要在初冬之前就是否参加这个项目做出决定. 这一及时的承诺将确保证书协调人能够审查他们的课外活动, 课程的选择, 和GPA.
